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active 7 years, 5 months ago

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  • Profile picture of Flip Jupiter

A manufacturing unit can be successful only on the quality and use of machines and cutting tools used in an efficient manner. To lead in market, you need to be wise and competitive both at the same time. Atlas Cutting Toolsis the leading company of USA to prove the sense wisely and provide precison cutting and drilling tools at competitive rates. In a very short time period, they have gained the faith and trust of thousands of industrial clients by satiating their tooling requirement within their budgetary expenses.

They offer a wide range of cutting tools of best quality and affordable rates or to say at the lowest rates as compared to other suppliers. They fulfil the need of their clients in through their physical store as well as online. Having the sense of timely delivery of products, Atlas Cutting Tools fulfil 97% of the order same day and works 24/7 in the market. They are the bulk stock holder with an extended variety of the tools maintaining quality along with precision.

Atlas Cutting Tools has a huge stock in a wide range of cutting tools like reamers, end mills, drills, taps, burs, and many more. One of the end mills that theuy supply is 5 flute high performance end mills thatare used as a type of milling cutter. It has further two types AlTin (Aluminium Tritanium Nitrate) coated and uncoated. 5 flute high performance end mills are likely to be more worthy it increases the speed of work by 20% due to its shape and size. 5 Flute High Performance End Mills have further diversification as per the customer usage and requirement at affordable rates.

An extensive range of 15,000 tools varying in standard, carbide, cobalt and high speed steel end mills are made available online and offline. Talking of high speed steel end mill there is a vast range of 11 types of mills with further sub category as per usage.

The company supplies HSS end mills that provide good wear resistance and are cheaper as compared to the cobalt and carbide end mills. 45 degree helix end mills made of aluminium are counted to be the best in working for speed, make less chatter noise and have the working speed of 60% and improve the finishing of the work done.

To get best quality products,please visit

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