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active 7 years, 4 months ago

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  • Profile picture of Flip Jupiter

Food is the most essential component empowering an individual’s existence and tasty food is the key to satisfaction and happiness. There is no girth of people in America who yearn for sumptuous delicacies from Italian, Chinese, Mexican & Thai cuisines. Among the various types of culinary delicacies, Seafood could definitely gratify your cravings. It has been evidently observed that cities that have beaches do have an extensive variety of sea food and people living there have desire to have it very often.

So, Idaho has the best seafood boise for you at Chandlers Well Chandlers is a well known restaurant that is acknowledged for its seafood and Boise fine dining. They provide their customers with the best and broad range of mouth watering seafood that includes Prawns, beef, steamed clams, crabs etc. Every restaurant or hotel has its own specialty so has Chandlers, that basically specializes in :

• Prime corn fed steaks

• Kobe style beef

People from different parts of the world come to taste their delicacies and never resist themselves from biting & licking their fingers at Chandlers. Among many of the downtown boise restaurants such as Fork, Bardenay, Alavita, Chandlers is one the most famous restaurants which is not only renowned for its fine dining, but also for its ambiance, martini bar & obviously its food preparations. The restaurant also features in entertainment by organizing jazz music for all 7 days that has made people visit more repeatedly.

As they serve people with far-fetched and implausible food which is exact to their specifications that leads to their complete satisfaction. Moreover, it not only serves high quality of food in Idaho but also it has its branches in California, Hawaii and Sun Valley as well. When you get to know so much about something that you pine for and you get all just at one place you cannot resist yourself from visiting here once.

About Chandlers:

The Chandlers has also been voted for best steakhouse boise award, by Idaho Stateman’s 2010 best of the treasure valley which makes people of Idaho to rave and crave for Chandler’s fine dining progressively.

To know more about Chandlers or book your reservations you can log on to

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