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active 7 years, 4 months ago

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  • Profile picture of Flip Jupiter

Efficient system of pipe is critical in any manufacturing industry for efficient transportation of Gas or Oil and a lot of other services. Leakages or blockages in the system can greatly hamper the operation of any process. So, if you are running any manufacturing or utilities plant then it is vital to hire a reliable pipe fabricating firm to ensure the best quality pipework fabrication. PT Pipe Fabrications is a reputed company in Essex whom specialise in the fabrication of pipes. They provide pipe fabrication services to the end client and or contractors. Clients include food processing factories, pharmaceutical plants, paper mills, power stations concrete manufacturing plant etc. Besides this, they also offer efficient pipework fabrication services for water treatment and sewage.

PT Pipe Fabrication is the well-established pipe fabricating company that offers bespoke pipework for the process and power industry for pipework used in the transportation of raw materials as well as finished goods, whether it is a water, gas, steam, CO2 or other services.

The various types of pipe fabrication services offered by PT Pipe Fabrication include:

Stainless Steel Pipe Fabrication: They provide services of stainless steel pipe welding and fabrication and also ultrasonic testing, hydro testing, dye penetration and radiographic testing for your stainless steel pipes.

Carbon Steel Pipe Fabrication: They can fabricate every type of carbon steel pipes starting from the smaller ones to Class I and Class II for TIG as well as MMA welding.

Vessel Fabrication: They also provide fabrications for the smallest carbon steel vessels to the Class I and II at affordable prices.

Dairy Pipe Fabrication: They provide the excellent services of dairy pipe fabrication using high grade ASTM A270 and 316L stainless steel.

Titanium Pipe Fabrication: They also provide installation and welding services of titanium steel and also radiographic testing for fabricated titanium pipework.

Besides this, PT Pipe Fabrication also provides services of fabricating frameworks. The team of welders of this leading pipe fabricating company is dual certified to ASME IX and BS EN 287 standards. They also offer NDT testing for their clients including complete X-ray checks. Also, the in-house health and safety manager of the company looks out for the health and welfare of workers.

For more information, please visit

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