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active 7 years, 4 months ago

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  • Profile picture of Flip Jupiter

The time has passed when business was just a means of earning your livelihood. Nowadays, it is a jungle out there and it doesn’t matter if you’re the king of a jungle or just a simple herbivore, when the sun rises, you have to run, figuratively speaking. Nowadays, hostile takeovers and lucrative yet illegal hop scotch with the law has become a daily routine and if you’re not aware enough, the next thing you know, might not be amusing.

Thanks to Ashenoff and Associates, you have Miami private investigator that you can always count on to be your vigilante, guiding you through every twist and turn on your way .They offer you variety of legal services which include:-

Litigation Support: This is a special service that includes verifying customary obtained information regarding a case, doing self research on a case to obtain evidences and proofs, preparing witnesses before trials. They also offer Para legal services and thus help in determining facts and figure related to a case identifying or locating witnesses, conducting polygraph tests etc.

Investigative Due Diligence : This is a service that they provide for venture capitalists which includes the in depth study of various aspects of a business that he/she wants to acquire. Many a times business men are duped of money by scam artists by selling them “shelf corporations” or by manipulative company ledgers by showing the concerned company in profits or pursuing illegal activities under a legal name. These are common practices which can be identified under the extensive research program offered by Ashenoff and Associates.

Covert Surveillance: Although this term has a negative ring to it, it is completely a legit tactic and is used by many government agencies, law firms and security agencies to keep a check on witnesses, celebrities, government officials etc. who are potential life threat victims. Covert surveillance includes digital image location technology via satellites so as to determine the exact location of the targeted or concerned person, and can also be used to determine time frame in many litigation cases.

Besides this, they also offer attorneys in Miami for lawsuits (abogados en miami para demandas) who can help you with any sort of legal cases.

For more information about Ashenoff and Associates, log on to .

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