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active 7 years, 4 months ago

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  • Profile picture of Frank Curtis

Heating solutions like water heaters, hot water tanks etc., are essential for storing hot water in bulk for domestic usage and also for space heating purposes. A properly insulated tank can efficiently retain stored heat for several days and thus reduce fuel costs. Water heaters are also good option for obtaining hot water for various purposes such as bathing or laundry. Water heaters generally contain thermostat for maintaining temperature in the range of 40 to 60 degree centigrade. There are different types of water heaters such as conventional storage water heaters which contain a storage tank of hot water, heat pump water heater that can move heated water from one place to another and tank less water heaters that can directly heat the water without storing water in tank.

Besides this, heating companies Lethbridge also offer solar water heaters that utilized sun’s radiation for heating water and indirect water heaters that make use of space heating system of home to provide heated water.

Before purchasing water heaters, it is vital to consider following factors:

Fuel type or energy source it will be using: It is one of the prominent factors that should be kept in mind before selecting water heaters. Availability and cost of fuel can greatly affect the overall operation cost of the heaters. It is beneficial to opt for water heaters which utilize solar energy.

Size: Before purchasing water heaters, it is important to decide a size according to your requirements.

Energy efficiency: Energy efficient water heaters are more reliable choice as they will consume the perishable resources in lesser amount and this will also led to reduce your electricity bill.

Costs: While buying water heater, it is also crucial to consider the cost and properly compare the prices offered by various Lethbridge Heating Companies.

There are some renowned companies such as Charlton & Hill that offer you superior water heaters that can be operated with wide range of fuel sources such as oil, propane gas, natural gas and electricity.

About Charlton & Hill:

Charlton & Hill is one of the renowned Lethbridge heating companies that offer wide range of residential water heaters as well as services of residential and commercial roofing.

For more information, please visit

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