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active 7 years, 2 months ago

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  • Profile picture of Flip Jupiter

People working in law enforcement agencies face various challenge everyday and thus it is imperative for them to be prepared about odd circumstances beforehand. Having a stock of guns and bullets is not sufficient to protect yourself in absurd situation where you have to attack a group of criminals. In such condition, it is essential to have equipments or apparels that can shield you from bullets. Ceramic made bulletproof vests are an excellent alternative to traditional body armor as they are competent enough to resist the attack of high speed bullets.

Advancement of technology has enabled the companies to manufacture such armors that can withstand dangerous impacts of handguns, shot guns, highly powered rifles and even Kalashnikovs. These multi-curved and ultra-thin armors can be worn easily without any discomfort.

Premier Body Armor is one of the renowned companies that offer you comprehensive body armor system to guard against enemies. With the effective and valuable research in the field of manufacturing and engineering armor vests and other products, they are able to provide you steel armor to offer additional protection.

They supply products with exceptional quality and remarkable features which are manufactured in U.S.A in their headquarters in North California. Premier Durus 800 is one of their outstanding products. It is multi-curved and ultra thin armor that is available in different shapes and sizes. It consists of two sturdy steel plates that can perfectly acquire the shape of your body.

Apart from this, their armors have passed various military tests and are also NIJ certified. You can buy complete body system including super strong ballistic plates at best prices possible. They have also leveraged their work network with the department of defense, United States special operations command and many private security organizations.

Premier Body Armor is a trusted company that offers you premium grade products that are manufactured using advanced technology. You can also shop for comfortable protection clothing and body armors if you are an adult and are for purchasing for lawful purposes. Moreover, they also procure 2 year warranty on body armor carriers and 10 years warranty on body armor plates.

For more information about products, please visit

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