Buy Superior Body Armors from Well-Established Company

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active 7 years, 2 months ago

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  • Profile picture of Flip Jupiter

Violence in this modern day world has become a growing concern. People have become intolerant and lose temper at the slightest of trigger. Buying a gun is legal in the United States of America and more and more people have resorted to buying it in the name of protecting themselves. While people buy it for the sake of protection, they tend to lose their mind out of frustration more often than not and eventually end up killing or harming people with their so-called self defense gun.

As more and more people are buying guns in order to “protect themselves,” cases of mass killings and open fires across the country have risen drastically over the years. People have used guns as a weapon for spreading hate and this has led to a need for premium quality body armor which offers real protection against such persons.

Body armor is a protective plate which offers protection against bullets from piercing your body gut and chest. The best part about these plates is that these plates cannot harm anybody else in the name of self defense.

There are a lot of companies manufacturing ballistic plates but none can match the standards set by Premier Body Armor. Premier Body Armor manufactures bullet proof steel body plates for protection against small guns such as handguns and high powered guns such as shotgun and rifles.

Premier Body Armor is pioneer in the industry for innovation in engineering and developing quality armor for vehicles as well as personnel, with over 20 years of experience. The company’s flagship product, the Premier Durus 8000, certified by the NIJ is a complete body armor system with a curved plate designed to fit to the shape of the body. These body armor plates are extremely light-weight, weighing less than 5 pounds for an average sized plate. Being light weight, the body armor offers protection along with mobility.

Premier Body Armor also provides plate carriers in the form of vests which ensures the armor plate is positioned perfectly to provide maximum protection. The company’s wide array of customers include the United States Marine Corps, Department of Defense among other law enforcement agencies both private and government.

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