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  • Profile picture of Frank Curtis

Wines and beers are the two most popular beverages round the globe. Wine is generally made by fermenting grapes without adding sugars, enzymes, acids or water. It is produced with the help of different types of grapes which gets converted into ethanol and carbon dioxide by the action of yeast. Wines are also made by fermentation of other cereals and fruits such as plums, cherries, pomegranate and pears. Thus, wine is one of the widely accepted beverages as it comes in a variety of flavors. Moreover, because of the chemical process and fermentation of various fruits and cereals, wine also possesses a captivating aroma. Moderate consumption of Liquor Store Lethbridge is beneficial for health.

Some of the advantages of drinking wine in moderate amount are:

Decreases the risk of depression: Drinking five to seven glasses of wine every week can reduce the chance of depression. So, you can get rid of depression and melancholy to a great extent even in the case of heavy workload or problematic relationship by consuming a glass of wine per day.

Prevents Colon Cancer: Red wine is effective in reducing the risk of colon cancers and bowel tumors upto 50%.

Makes your skin younger and glowing: According to a research, red wine possesses various anti-ageing properties. Wines made with blueberries, nuts and cranberries are good source of resveratrol which helps in slowing down the ageing process.

Reduces the risk of cataract: Wine also helps in lowering the chances of cataract.

It also lowers the risk of heart diseases and stroke: Possibility of blood clots greatly lowers in people who consume little amount of wine.

It promotes longevity: Wine can also increase the mortality rate if consumed in limited amount.

There are some reliable companies such as Andrew Hilton Wines & Spirits that offer wide variety of wines and Craft Beer Lethbridge. Established in 1985, this is one of the renowned liquor shops in southern Alberta that possess over 1900 types of wines.

About Andrew Hilton Wines & Spirits:

Andrew Hilton Wines & Spirits is one of the reputed liquor store Lethbridge that offers wide range of beer, wine and whiskey with superior quality and delicious taste.

For more information, please visit

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