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active 7 years, 4 months ago

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  • Profile picture of Flip Jupiter

Fear of frauds and improper conduct is part of all sorts of business. Management while conducting internal audits has to be careful of not holding any employee culpable without Investigative Due Diligence of facts and proofs. Due Diligence is double checking or physical proofing of facts and evidences in order to reach a conclusion which is true and fair. Due Diligence involves checking financial transactions of the suspect, criminal record, pre-employment work profile etc. Thus, investigative due diligence is imperative during the inspection of any illicit activity or crime as it helps in finding the root cause of the issue.

Due Diligence includes investigating through covet surveillance and criminal background check Florida which means going under the radar, without the knowledge of the same to the suspects or to any other employee. This includes checking the company’s record and archives for jotting down the details which are necessary to find the defaulter. These covert operations involve installation of high tech surveillance cameras and thus conducting the undercover investigations. The criminal investigators are also responsible for collecting all the necessary proofs and evidences which are essential for the court trial.

Covert Operations are done by investigators and detectives who understand the sensitivity of the legal boundaries and act in a manner which does not inflict any claims of liability on the company.

Ashenoff and Associates’ is one of the reliable investigative and security consultation companies that possesses a team of private investigators and experienced criminal lawyer in Miami ( abogado penalista en Miami ). The company has been serving the legal community throughout the world for over three decades. They are a Board Certified Criminal Defense Investigator providing services of:

• Due Diligence,

• Covert Operations,

• Litigation Support,

• Executive Protection,

• Security Surveys, and

• Background Research

Ashenoff and Associates also offers executive protectionservices for VIPs, high profile executives, celebrities and their families. Executive Protection involves making travel arrangements, physical protection, mass surveillance of travel destination and other security arrangements. All these programs are decided according to the clients need and demand.

For more information on Ashenoff and Associates and the services they offer, log on to

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