nike air max 270 tiger uk

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of bears123 bears123 5 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #7938
    Profile photo of bears123 bears123 

    In our investment banking business we are often contacted by business start-ups asking for our help in raising money. I am sure that we were not the first organization that was contacted and that these hopeful entrepreneurs had been searching for months for funding. I try to be helpful and spend time on the phone with these people asking what I consider to be basic Business 101 questions. What is your product or service? What unmet need is it designed to fill? Who else is in your space? How does their product or service compare to your product or service? What is the size of the potential market? Why would a customer switch to your company? How do you plan on selling your product?

    Often I am amazed that the entrepreneur has focused inwardly on his hobby or invention or software and has given very little thought to the potential market. Why build a business to sell to a small market segment? Every once in a while nike air max 270 tiger uk , an entrepreneur contacts me and the product or service really hits me as a winner. That is what happened when I was contacted by Russ Notestine, an inventor with a unique product. He had many of the elements mentioned above going in his favor but was still struggling because he had little experience in actually marketing a product. One of the reasons I got interested was that Russ had created a product designed to help back pain sufferers.

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